The treatments for Static Brain Injuries in adults that we offer are focused on the treatment of sequelae caused by injuries to the Central Nervous System in adults.

Initially, the patients are evaluated by the specialists of the clinic for a period of 7 days, with the aim of defining or corroborating the clinical diagnosis and characterizing the existing sequelae. Subsequently, depending on the result of the evaluation carried out, a treatment program (Neurological Restoration Program) consisting of 4-week treatment cycles, which is based on the rational application of multidisciplinary therapeutic methods, applied intensively, depending on the individual clinical profile of the patient, and based on physiatric methods, motor or cognitive learning techniques, specialized sports training, ozone therapy and the use of drugs (neuromodulators, neurotrophs and neuroprotectors). The result of the treatment is systematically evaluated and controlled by the clinic's specialist doctors, and its duration depends on the individual clinical profile of the patient and the response to the applied treatment.

The main sequelae caused by these diseases involve the involvement of the motor system (paralysis, gait disorders, alterations in balance, coordination and involuntary movements), sensitivity, cognition (orientation, attention, memory, language, thought, calculation, etc.) and behavior, which condition severe limitations to carry out activities of daily life and cause a decrease in the quality of life of patients.

There is currently multiple evidences that demonstrate the ability to recover from the sequelae induced by static lesions of the Nervous System with the use of drugs, physiatric techniques, surgical techniques and physical rehabilitation therapies, which cause a significant improvement in the quality of life of the patient. patient.

It is known that this recovery capacity is based on the existence of functional mechanisms of the Nervous System, where the rigid immutability scheme has been progressively replaced by the concept of "neuroplasticity" that defines the Nervous System as a dynamic system, a never finished product, the ever-changing and changeable result of the interaction of genetic and environmental factors, where changes in your organization are expressed at different levels and in different ways, allowing the assimilation of new skills or capacities to respond to the needs of the environment (learning ) or modifying the pre-existing ones when they are lost or affected after an injury (functional recovery).

Diseases treated in this program

How to ask us to be attended.

To request to be evaluated and treated in any of the pathologies, it is necessary to send us your request with the following information through our email: or by contacting us through our contact form .

El resumen de historia clínica y los exámenes realizados debe enviarlos en un fichero adjunto por correo, el resto de la información puede enviarla llenando el recuadro de breve historia de la enfermedad de la planilla de solicitud, puede además escribir todos los comentarios e información que usted considere que pueda ser de interés medico para completar la información.

The summary of the clinical history and the tests performed must be sent in an attached file by mail, the rest of the information can be sent by filling in the box with a brief history of the disease on the application form, you can also write all the comments and information that you consider may be of medical interest to complete the information.

With these data the medical team will determine if there are therapeutic possibilities for a substantial improvement of the patient and determine their acceptance, if the case is accepted, the possible date on which the patient can travel is indicated, taking into account the availability of the clinic , an accompanying family member must always be present.

The acceptance of the case will be answered within a period of 15 days with the proposal of the possible treatment program. During this period, our Staff will keep in full contact with you in case it is necessary to request any additional information that medical specialists require, or to clarify any type of doubt or concern that you consider.

Given the characteristics of the pathologies treated at this Institution, patients require a companion who, as a rule and to facilitate this care, must stay at CIREN .

The Clinic offers for patients who require it, Special Nursing Services, whose prices would be added to the daily costs of hospitalization.

If you wish, the clinic offers you the possibility of requesting for a small price of 35.00 USD that they make a recording of the therapeutic program you are receiving so that you can take it back to your country and have the treatment in a digital medium completed and can have a guide where to continue treatment at home if you do not decide to return for a new therapeutic cycle.

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