In the following list you can consult the different programs and medical treatments offered in Cuba
Treatment and cure of Vitiligo with Melagenina Plus
Treatment and cure of Psoriasis with Coriodermina
Treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa
Correction of myopia by surgery
Allogenic bone marrow transplantation program in patients with Leukemia or Lymphoma
Autologous bone marrow transplantation program in patients with multiple myeloma
Autologous bone marrow transplant program in patients with Leukemia or Lymphomaa
Treatment Programs for Movement Disorders and Neurodegenerations
Adult Static Brain Injury Treatment Program
Neuropediatric disease treatment program
Treatment Program for Spinal, Neuromuscular and Multiple Sclerosis Diseases
Treatment and diagnosis of Obesity
Treatment and diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis
Treatment and Evaluation of arterial hypertension
Treatment and Evaluation of Diabetes Mellitus
Treatment of adrenal gland disorders
Treatment of pituitary conditions
treatment of thyroid and parathyroid conditions
Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome
Treatment of cardiac arrhythmia
Treatment of congenital heart disease
If you need any other treatment that is not in this list, you can request it using our form: